Prossima neve in Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel
Dom 16th (NGT)
Le previsioni neve per Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel sono Pioggia leggera (totale 9.0mm), per lo più che cade Lunedì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 6°C Lunedì mattina, min -1°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel is: Pioggia leggera (totale 9.0mm), per lo più che cade Lunedì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 6°C Lunedì mattina, min -1°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel Weather (Days 4-6): Pioggia abbondante (totale 29.0mm), più pesante durante Venerdì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 7°C Venerdì mattina, min 0°C Sabato notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel Live neve
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Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel Tempo
(Prossimi 3 giorni):
Le previsioni neve per Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel sono Pioggia leggera (totale 9.0mm), per lo più che cade Lunedì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 6°C Lunedì mattina, min -1°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Pioggia abbondante (totale 29.0mm), più pesante durante Venerdì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 7°C Venerdì mattina, min 0°C Sabato notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Pioggia leggera (totale 9.0mm), per lo più che cade Lunedì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 6°C Lunedì mattina, min -1°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Prossimi 4-6 giorni riassunto meteo
Pioggia abbondante (totale 29.0mm), più pesante durante Venerdì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 7°C Venerdì mattina, min 0°C Sabato notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Popular Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel Pages
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Recensioni dei visitatori di Neukirchen/Bramberg-Ski-Arena Wildkogel
Complessivamente 4.4 Basato su 4 voti e 4 recensioni
Having just spent two weeks in Bramberg (Jan 2014) with friends, babies, dogs we can honestly say that there is something for everyone.
The new Smaragdbahn lift is excellent and very reasonably price, especially if you are "Rodel-ing" (tobogganing) on the 14km run. The local ski area of Bramberg is much bigger than I expected and plenty to do for beginners and intermediate skiers. For the more adventurous skiers it couldn't be easier to access the Kitzbhul and Zillertal areas which are fantastic.
Within a 30 min, drive in every direction, there is so much to do for non-skiers, the Thauern Spa in Kaprun, Golf, in the summer in Mittersil, swimming lakes, beautiful walks, Sailing in Zell am See lake. The stunning cities of Kitzbhul and Salzburg also make a lovely day trip.
We are lucky enough to have bought our own 4 bedroom Chalet, in Bramberg and cannot wait to return year after year, winter or summer, to explore this beautiful area.
Our stunning Chalet Pengel is available to rent on the Chalets Plus website - dogs welcome!
Having just spent two weeks in Bramberg (Jan 2014) with friends, babies, dogs we can honestly say that there is something for everyone.
The new Smaragdbahn lift is excellent and very reasonably price, especially if you are "Rodel-ing" (tobogganing) on the 14km run. The local ski area of Bramberg is much bigger than I expected and plenty to do for beginners and intermediate skiers. For the more adventurous skiers it couldn't be easier to access the Kitzbhul and Zillertal areas which are fantastic.
Within a 30 min, drive in every direction, there is so much to do for non-skiers, the Thauern Spa in Kaprun, Golf, in the summer in Mittersil, swimming lakes, beautiful walks, Sailing in Zell am See lake. The stunning cities of Kitzbhul and Salzburg also make a lovely day trip.
We are lucky enough to have bought our own 4 bedroom Chalet, in Bramberg and cannot wait to return year after year, winter or summer, to explore this beautiful area.
Our stunning Chalet Pengel is available to rent on the Chalets Plus website - dogs welcome!
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