Le previsioni neve per Bousquet Ski Area sono Pioggerella Mercoledì pomeriggio diventa neve leggera Mercoledì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Martedì pomeriggio, min -1°C Mercoledì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Bousquet Ski Area Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Bousquet Ski Area is: Pioggerella Mercoledì pomeriggio diventa neve leggera Mercoledì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Martedì pomeriggio, min -1°C Mercoledì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Bousquet Ski Area Weather (Days 4-6): Pioggia moderata (totale 19.0mm), più pesante Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Domenica mattina, min 0°C Venerdì mattina). Venti in aumento (calma Venerdì mattina, venti freschi da SSW per Domenica notte).
Bousquet Ski Area Live neve
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Bousquet Ski Area Tempo
(Prossimi 3 giorni):
Le previsioni neve per Bousquet Ski Area sono Pioggerella Mercoledì pomeriggio diventa neve leggera Mercoledì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Martedì pomeriggio, min -1°C Mercoledì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Bousquet Ski Area meteo (giorni 4-6):
Pioggia moderata (totale 19.0mm), più pesante Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Domenica mattina, min 0°C Venerdì mattina). Venti in aumento (calma Venerdì mattina, venti freschi da SSW per Domenica notte).
Radar Neve
Gli ultimi report della neve vicino a Bousquet Ski Area:
Pioggerella Mercoledì pomeriggio diventa neve leggera Mercoledì notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Martedì pomeriggio, min -1°C Mercoledì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Prossimi 4-6 giorni riassunto meteo
Pioggia moderata (totale 19.0mm), più pesante Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 14°C Domenica mattina, min 0°C Venerdì mattina). Venti in aumento (calma Venerdì mattina, venti freschi da SSW per Domenica notte).
La tabella sopra da le previsioni meteo per Bousquet Ski Area a specifiche altezze 343 m. I nostri sofisticati modelli meteo ci consentono di fornire previsioni neve per la vetta, l'area intermedia e a valle delle stazioni sciistiche di Bousquet Ski Area. Per accedere alle previsioni meteo ad altre altezze, per spostarti usa tab sopra la tabella. Per una visione meteo piu' ampia , controlla la mappa meteo di United States.
Clicca qui per leggere ulteriori informazioni sullo zero termico e il nostro sistema di prevedere le temperature.
My Fiance', her sister and her three sons and I visited Bousquet Ski Area for the first time on 1-28-10. We heard they had $10 Thursday night skiing and snowboarding. We arrived and made 4 runs then went in to get a quick bite to eat. When we came out I found someone had stolen my brand new Burton Clash snowboard that was given to me by my fiance' for Christmas this year. We reported the theft to the front desk and explained that we had only taken 4 runs and that we had just spent almost $70 on food. I asked that they refund my lift ticket: ten dollars and they refused. At the same time there was a father and son (who was maybe six) who also just had his sons snowboard stolen. They did nothing for him either. Several people said that there are thefts there all the time, and that it is a constant problem there at Bousquet. The next day I called the owner, George, to explain the situation asking what options I had. He said I had NO options and that I should have checked my board in ski-check .(which I did not even know they had??) As I persued to explain that we were just asking for a lift ticket refund at the very least, George said, and I quote "I think your full of S**T, and I'm hanging up the phone now."
I have to say that after experiencing the lack of customer service and down right dis-respect, I will never return to that mountain...ever! If you still feel the need to visit this poorly run facility..BRING A LOCK!
-Wayne (East Longmeadow, MA)
My Fiance', her sister and her three sons and I visited Bousquet Ski Area for the first time on 1-28-10. We heard they had $10 Thursday night skiing and snowboarding. We arrived and made 4 runs then went in to get a quick bite to eat. When we came out I found someone had stolen my brand new Burton Clash snowboard that was given to me by my fiance' for Christmas this year. We reported the theft to the front desk and explained that we had only taken 4 runs and that we had just spent almost $70 on food. I asked that they refund my lift ticket: ten dollars and they refused. At the same time there was a father and son (who was maybe six) who also just had his sons snowboard stolen. They did nothing for him either. Several people said that there are thefts there all the time, and that it is a constant problem there at Bousquet. The next day I called the owner, George, to explain the situation asking what options I had. He said I had NO options and that I should have checked my board in ski-check .(which I did not even know they had??) As I persued to explain that we were just asking for a lift ticket refund at the very least, George said, and I quote "I think your full of S**T, and I'm hanging up the phone now."
I have to say that after experiencing the lack of customer service and down right dis-respect, I will never return to that mountain...ever! If you still feel the need to visit this poorly run facility..BRING A LOCK!
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