Le previsioni neve per Canyon Ski Area sono Per lo più asciutto. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 1°C Mercoledì pomeriggio, min -8°C Martedì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Canyon Ski Area Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Canyon Ski Area is: Per lo più asciutto. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 1°C Mercoledì pomeriggio, min -8°C Martedì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Canyon Ski Area Weather (Days 4-6): Una spolverata di neve nuova. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 2°C Domenica pomeriggio, min -3°C Sabato mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Canyon Ski Area Live neve
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Canyon Ski Area Tempo
(Prossimi 3 giorni):
Le previsioni neve per Canyon Ski Area sono Per lo più asciutto. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 1°C Mercoledì pomeriggio, min -8°C Martedì mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Canyon Ski Area meteo (giorni 4-6):
Una spolverata di neve nuova. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 2°C Domenica pomeriggio, min -3°C Sabato mattina). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Radar Neve
Gli ultimi report della neve vicino a Canyon Ski Area:
La tabella sopra da le previsioni meteo per Canyon Ski Area a specifiche altezze 899 m. I nostri sofisticati modelli meteo ci consentono di fornire previsioni neve per la vetta, l'area intermedia e a valle delle stazioni sciistiche di Canyon Ski Area. Per accedere alle previsioni meteo ad altre altezze, per spostarti usa tab sopra la tabella. Per una visione meteo piu' ampia , controlla la mappa meteo di Canada.
Clicca qui per leggere ulteriori informazioni sullo zero termico e il nostro sistema di prevedere le temperature.
Recensioni dei visitatori di Canyon Ski Area
Complessivamente 3.5 Basato su 3 voti e 5 recensioni
Updated from April, 2013:
Lots of positive changes over the last 5 years. Consistently better snowmaking efforts, a real terrain park and a few new runs make skiing more interesting and enjoyable while the food and lodge options have also improved.
As a Central Albertan I am very thankful that this big non-mountain hill is close by...especially when out with the younger ones (grandkids) in our family for a quick day trip.
A couple of thoughts regarding one of the prior comments below; if there has been no recent big dumps, strap on a pair of World Cup slalom racing skis and lap the blue and black runs...if you are an intermediate or above you'll improve your skiing, get a great workout and have a ton of fun (very responsive and tricky skis). If there has been recent snow, get out early and you'll find at least an hour or more of powder turns. Sure, it's not a mountain hill, but be thankful it's not COP or Rabbit Hill.
Short vertical and slow lifts are still part of the picture, but for a 15 minute drive from Red Deer it is a great facility for improving skills while having fun no matter what your age.
Note; mom was a ski patroller, I've been skiing since 1970, still a level 3+, still heli, cat and alpine tour on a regular basis.
Updated from April, 2013:
Lots of positive changes over the last 5 years. Consistently better snowmaking efforts, a real terrain park and a few new runs make skiing more interesting and enjoyable while the food and lodge options have also improved.
As a Central Albertan I am very thankful that this big non-mountain hill is close by...especially when out with the younger ones (grandkids) in our family for a quick day trip.
A couple of thoughts regarding one of the prior comments below; if there has been no recent big dumps, strap on a pair of World Cup slalom racing skis and lap the blue and black runs...if you are an intermediate or above you'll improve your skiing, get a great workout and have a ton of fun (very responsive and tricky skis). If there has been recent snow, get out early and you'll find at least an hour or more of powder turns. Sure, it's not a mountain hill, but be thankful it's not COP or Rabbit Hill.
Short vertical and slow lifts are still part of the picture, but for a 15 minute drive from Red Deer it is a great facility for improving skills while having fun no matter what your age.
Note; mom was a ski patroller, I've been skiing since 1970, still a level 3+, still heli, cat and alpine tour on a regular basis.
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