Le previsioni neve per Aussois sono Temperato con pioggia leggera (totale 8.0mm) Domenica notte Diventa più freddo con una leggera copertura di neve, che ancora cade Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Lunedì pomeriggio, min -4°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Aussois Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Aussois is: Temperato con pioggia leggera (totale 8.0mm) Domenica notte Diventa più freddo con una leggera copertura di neve, che ancora cade Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Lunedì pomeriggio, min -4°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Aussois Weather (Days 4-6): Pioggia moderata (totale 10.0mm), più pesante Venerdì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Sabato mattina, min -1°C Mercoledì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Aussois Live neve
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Aussois Tempo
(Prossimi 3 giorni):
Le previsioni neve per Aussois sono Temperato con pioggia leggera (totale 8.0mm) Domenica notte Diventa più freddo con una leggera copertura di neve, che ancora cade Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Lunedì pomeriggio, min -4°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Aussois meteo (giorni 4-6):
Pioggia moderata (totale 10.0mm), più pesante Venerdì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Sabato mattina, min -1°C Mercoledì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. da Tignes
14km Assente da Aussois
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens19 hour fa
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. da Val Thorens
Temperato con pioggia leggera (totale 8.0mm) Domenica notte Diventa più freddo con una leggera copertura di neve, che ancora cade Domenica notte. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Lunedì pomeriggio, min -4°C Lunedì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Prossimi 4-6 giorni riassunto meteo
Pioggia moderata (totale 10.0mm), più pesante Venerdì pomeriggio. Condizioni di gelo e disgelo (max 4°C Sabato mattina, min -1°C Mercoledì notte). Vento sarà generalmente leggero.
Some cloudy spells at Tignes. Just a light breeze today. Freeze-thaw conditions. No fresh snow. The pistes have good snow. Off-piste snow is wind affected. da Tignes
14km Assente da Aussois
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens19 hour fa
Ski/board conditions are okay, more snow would be good. Strong winds at altitude. da Val Thorens
La tabella sopra da le previsioni meteo per Aussois a specifiche altezze 1500 m. I nostri sofisticati modelli meteo ci consentono di fornire previsioni neve per la vetta, l'area intermedia e a valle delle stazioni sciistiche di Aussois. Per accedere alle previsioni meteo ad altre altezze, per spostarti usa tab sopra la tabella. Per una visione meteo piu' ampia , controlla la mappa meteo di France.
Clicca qui per leggere ulteriori informazioni sullo zero termico e il nostro sistema di prevedere le temperature.
Recensioni dei visitatori di Aussois
Complessivamente 4.0 Basato su 8 voti e 4 recensioni
This is a friendly, small, typically French resort. Don't go to Aussois expecting nightlife or 50 different black runs, but do go if what you want is a tranquil, largely queue-free, bargain ski experience. I went with our children (6 and 9) - it was their first time - and we could not have asked for a better place to be.
The resort rises to nearly 3000m and has loads of snow cannons, so snow is reasonably guaranteed. You can ski out of the apartment block (les Flocons d'Argent) to the lifts less than 100m away. If you book the accomodation through goelia.com, they can arrange lift passes at a reduction. All the runs eventually return to this one area - so no military-style planning required to work out how to get home via 15 lifts.
If your French is a bit rusty (or non-existent in my childrens' case!), then your options for ski school might be a bit limited; better to arrange personal lessons as we did - 5 two-hour sessions worked out at around 300 euros, and it was with a proper ESF instructor.
In short, 4 of us went during the first week of the season - December 18 - 25. Accommodation, lift passes and lessons cost under 1500 - and that's total, not per person.
Was the snow less good than at somewhere costing 3-4 times as much? I doubt it.
Go and enjoy!
This is a friendly, small, typically French resort. Don't go to Aussois expecting nightlife or 50 different black runs, but do go if what you want is a tranquil, largely queue-free, bargain ski experience. I went with our children (6 and 9) - it was their first time - and we could not have asked for a better place to be.
The resort rises to nearly 3000m and has loads of snow cannons, so snow is reasonably guaranteed. You can ski out of the apartment block (les Flocons d'Argent) to the lifts less than 100m away. If you book the accomodation through goelia.com, they can arrange lift passes at a reduction. All the runs eventually return to this one area - so no military-style planning required to work out how to get home via 15 lifts.
If your French is a bit rusty (or non-existent in my childrens' case!), then your options for ski school might be a bit limited; better to arrange personal lessons as we did - 5 two-hour sessions worked out at around 300 euros, and it was with a proper ESF instructor.
In short, 4 of us went during the first week of the season - December 18 - 25. Accommodation, lift passes and lessons cost under 1500 - and that's total, not per person.
Was the snow less good than at somewhere costing 3-4 times as much? I doubt it.
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